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The Six Action Areas

The European Soil Partnership, as one of the eight regional soil partnerships across the globe, mirrors in its actions the work areas of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP): the core interest there is to inform about, and catalyse, activities enhancing soil health and halting soil degradation; for that new information is collected and disseminated, existing activities are supported, new activities initiated.

Actors include Country Focal Points (see Partners), the EU, European Partnerships and Networks in soil and related fields, at various levels of engagement (Regional, Subregional, National), as well as research and demonstration projects.

The ESP is achieving its goal of healthy soils through Six Action Areas:

  1. Sustainably manage and restore soils for the provision of ecosystem services (more)
  2. Strengthen soil governance (more)
  3. Promote research on soils (more)
  4. Promote awareness raising and advocacy on soil health (more)
  5. Promote soil data monitoring and mapping (more)
  6. Foster technical cooperation (more)

Members of the ESP have developed a regional implementation plan, which translates global objectives into regional context.


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