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Alpine Subregional Soil Partnership

Official website


Michele Freppaz (Italy)

Coordination Unit: Maria Legner (Austria)

The following AlpSP Steering Committee members took over the leadership for the pillars of action.

Pillar 1 Sustainable soil managementMr Aleš Poljanec (Slovenia)
Pillar 2 Soil awareness raisingMs Silvia Stanchi (Italy)
Pillar 3 Soil information & researchMr Borut Vrščaj (Slovenia)
Pillar 4 Regional coordinationMs Maria Legner (Austria)
Pillar 5 Data comparison & harmonizationMr Frédéric Berger (France)

List of Countries

Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland, France


There is an annual AlpSP meeting.

The AlpSP has translated the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management into German and Slovenian, thus facilitating the dissemination of this important policy document among stakeholders in the subregion. In addition, experts from the AlpSP are leading the preparation of a manual for the sustainable management of mountain soils, to be published in 2023.

Past events:

Eurosoil session (September 2021, online) “Understanding and managing mountain soils, and related ecosystem services “

Alpine SOILutions Congress 2021

World Soil Day in Aosta 5/12/22

Contribution to the LTAP -Long-Term Action Plan For the implementation of provisions and declarations on soil protection in the specific context of the Alpine region of the Soil Working Group of the Alpine Convention

Participation in the Open Ended Scientific Commitee of the International Year of Mountains 2022 – A Policy Brief on the sustainable use of mountain soils was issued and is available here

Workshop with AlpSP members, hosted by Kunst und Natur, Nantesbuch (13-14th March 2023): planning next activities & explore future projects opportunities

Planned events/activities:

Ongoing: Organization of the post conference fieldtrip (IUSS Centennial Conference, Florence 2024)

In preparation: Technical manual FAO on sustainable use of mountain soils



The AlpSP was established in 2017 during the EU Alpine Space project Links4Soils and experts on horizontal and vertical levels

Find more videos of LINKS4SOIL:

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